Aug 18, 2010

Tonight: 'South Pacific,' 'Woman Rebel'

Kelli O Hara, right, and Paulo Szot stars in the production of Lincoln Theater Tony Award-winning Rodgers and Hammersteins, South Pacific, on Live From Lincoln Center (CPTV, 8:00). The documentary film; Rebel Woman; (HbO2, 8:00) by Kiran Deol, follows the progress of women through the Peoples Liberation Army in Nepal in the government, she fought. The summary of this game pre-season Monday with Giants are covered in this weeks episode of hard knocks: Training Camp with the New York Jets (HBO, 10:00). After the first week, Rex Ryan has a coach to apologize for his expletive-filled appearance. Hot In Cleveland Land (TV, 10:00) completed its first successful season at the point in the day Emmys, Susan Lucci played.
David Letterman: Nicolas Cage, Steel Train (replay). Jay Leno: Don Rickles, Dwayne Wade, Kiss (the replay). Jimmy Kimmel: Jerry O Connell, Carla Gugino, TI Jimmy Fallon: Heidi Klum, Joshua Topolsky, Macy Gray (reproduction). Craig Ferguson: Emma Thompson, Carlos Alazraqui (play). Carson Daly: Matthew Vaughn, Seth Grahame-Smith, XX. Jon Stewart Edward Kohn. Stephen Colbert: Thomas French. George Lopez: Bow Wow, Lisa Edelstein, Beef Teresa Caroline Judge, Twitch. Chelsea Handler: Jennifer Aniston, John Caparulo, Whitney Cummings, Brad Wollack.


South Pacific Tsunami by Two Earthquakes

Originally, scientists believed, an earthquake triggered the deadly tsunami that hit Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga and in September 2009. However, one studies published tomorrow in the journal Nature argue that in lieu of one, actually there were one earthquakes which occurred in fast succession.

 John Beaven, lead author of a study, the researchers told Nature News if the island of Tonga, from two inches to the west after the earthquake, but GPS has proven that he moved about a foot East. They also provided the sea bottom, but has increased, indicating a different kind of "subduction" earthquake. An independent study by Thorne Lay confirmed the signs of other seismic earthquake.


Egg Recall: Products Affected List

Donating your eggs is that the health profession called assisted reproductive technologies offer a variety of options for getting pregnant, sperm donation and IVF. The donation of an egg from a woman is a single choice. Let's start with the basics. The eggs are female reproductive cells. Ladies are born with a limited amount of eggs.

A woman has hundreds of them, but it is nevertheless a finite amount. In addition to these brands, nuchal California Food issued another notice, saying he was also recalled that he had prepared several Wright County Egg brands. The Associated Press has estimated that the recovery could involve as plenty of of 380 million eggs.
The Food and Drug Administration announced a voluntary recall New Wright, noting that the common signs of salmonella include fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. He stressed consumers to the world wide website, for answers to your questions.


Happy Birthday, 19th Amendment !

Alice Paul, only that you have been around for 90 years from now, which is a reference point for equality, inspired by your favourite music school Rock. Yes, it's even better than; I am a bill. Mary Walton said of his new book, Woman's Crusade: Alice Paul and the battle of the vote. Alice Paul was one of the most important civil rights activists, the 20th century as well as a pioneer of nonviolent resistance. His tactics and leadership was important to win a trip to 19th amendment that gave females the right to vote. So blow the candles. You look fresh as you did at the beginning of last century. Ms. Palin on Wednesday, have already adopted the process of election, but indicated that they had few regrets about himself injecting so lots of primaries in the midst of this.

Whatever the number of candidates I was honored to accept wins or loses this time, I support them because they boldly shaking in their primary race, Palin said. They are not only sit on the sidelines complaining, the opposite, they are in the fighting arena of constitutional common sense conservative solutions. Palin also took a glance cutting campaign EMILY's List, which includes a review of applications of Palin connected and their points of view, and this response to the video of Palin from earlier this summer, which affected the, mother Grizzlies.


Symbol are lights up in your instrument panel

What is recognize the symbol here?

This symbol are lights up in your instrument panel and looks like a U-shaped pictograph. Its also with treads and an exclamation point in the middle.

What do you understand about it means now?

If you find a low tire-pressure warning, you are right position. If you didn’t find recognize the symbol, thats also understandable because one out of three drivers do not, according to Schrader. This company that makes tire pressure monitoring systems.

The warning for the TPMS lights up when one or more of your vehicle’s tires is 25% below the manufacturer’s recommended pressure. The system is now required on all vehicles starting with the 2008 model year.
The problem here seems to be that the public has not been duly informed of the warning symbol, which is supposed to be "idiot-proof" and understandable by a wide variety of cultures and languages. However, 46% of drivers could not know that the icon represents a tire and 14% thought that the symbol represented another problem with the entire vehicle, according to Schrader.


Aug 9, 2010

Oscar-winning Patricia Neal US actress has died

Oscar-winning Patricia Neal US actress has died aged, 84 from lung cancer.

Neal won an Academy Award for role in the 1963 film Hud, but gave up acting two years later at the age of 39 after suffering a series of strokes.

Biography Patricia Neal

Date of Birth
20 January 1926, Packard, Kentucky, USA

Date of Death
8 August 2010, Edgartown, Massachusetts, USA (lung cancer)

Birth Name
Patsy Louise Neal

5' 8" (1.73 m)

Roald Dahl (2 July 1953 - 17 November 1983) (divorced) 5 children


Explains Plutonomy

Economic growth that is powered & consumed by the wealthiest upper society. Plutonomy refers to a society where all of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; for example the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same rich minority.

This buzz word was initially coined by analysts at Citigroup in 2005 to report the wonderful growth of the U.S. economy in the work of that period despite increasing rates of interest, commodity prices & an inflated national debt. Citigroup analysts argued that as such an economy continues to grow in the face of contradictory elements, the more important the society's ultra rich become to maintaining such growth. The analysts also believed that in addition to the Great Britain, China, U.S. and Canada,  are also becoming plutonomies.

Surfing this weekend I happened on some review's of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story. Reading some of the United Kingdom paper's view of the film, I saw an fascinating reference to an internal 2006 Citigroup memo regarding, America, which has turned in to a contemporary day plutonomy. With the wonders of the internets I could unearth at least part of the document, which frankly much reinforces things that are plainly obvious.

It is widely known that the rich have an outsized influence on the economy.
The nation's top 1% of households own over half the nation's stocks, according to the Federal Reserve. They also control over $16 trillion in wealth - over the bottom 90%.
Yet a brand spanking new body of research from Citigroup suggests that the rich have other, more-surprising impacts on the economy.

Global strategist at Citigroup, & his research team came up with the term Plutonomy in 2005 to report a country that is defined by large income & wealth inequality.

They are all created by disruptive technology-driven productivity gains, creative financial innovation, capitalist friendly cooperative governments, immigrants...the rule of law & patenting inventions. Often these wealth waves involve great complexity exploited best by the rich & educated of the time.

There is no average consumer in Plutonomies. There is only the rich and everyone else. The rich account for a disproportionate chunk of the economy, while the non-rich account for surprisingly small bites of the national pie. Kapur estimates that in 2005, the richest 20% may have been responsible for 60% of total spending.

Plutonomies are likely to grow in the future, fed by capitalist-friendly governments, more technology-driven productivity & globalization.

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